Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Importance of understanding the difference between tolerance, dependence and addiction

  It is important to educate our clients on the difference between tolerance, dependence and addiction. Many people use these terms interchangeably. Many people are so afraid of becoming addicted that they suffer silently in pain. When treated appropriately, the goal of medication administration is to improve the quality of life of the individual. If the person is able to function; work, play, etc. then the medication is working. If the person is unable to function and are taking lots of medications then there is addiction. In all cases, there is treatment. Allow your clients to share their feelings about addiction, explain the difference and respect their choices. With dependence there may be withdrawals when the medication is stopped. To avoid this from happening the physician would recommend tapering the dosage down slowly. Dependence occurs with anything we put in our bodies on a regular basis. Remember the headache you get when you forget to drink coffee? That is your body withdrawn from the caffeine!

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