Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pain alone should not be reason for surgical repair

Many patients feel that having surgery will get rid of the terrible back pain they are enduring. However, only a small portion of patients who have pain need back surgery. 90% of back pain sufferers can relief their pain through rehab and exercise therapy:  
Follow these guidelines to see if you are a candidate for surgery:

1. See a doctor quickly if the pain is accompanied by "red flag" symptoms; trouble urinating, leg 
    weakness, numbness or pain, fever or unintentional weight loss.
2. Allow a month to six weeks to see if the pain goes away.
3. Don't expect an X-ray or MRI right away.  Doctor will do if he/she suspects a serious problem.
4. Try over-the-counter pain relievers such as anti-inflammatories before seeking prescription pain  
     relief. Ice, heating pads and firm mattresses can help too.
5.  For pain lasting more than six weeks ask about rehabilitation or exercise therapy.
6. If surgery is recommended, be proactive, do your research and find out what the best options may  
     be for you, ask your physician what are the risks of surgery and what would happen if
     you don't have surgery?  Ask for all other options you might try instead. Get a second opinion if 
     you do not agree with your doctor's advise. 

Reference:  American College of Physicians/American Pain Society guidelines; National Institutes of Health; spine surgeons

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